Medication Therapy Management Software

Dr. Joseph, co-founder and CEO of Medication Therapy Management Limited was looking for a tool that would facilitate the issuance and management of medication for patient. This was in line with his ambition for promoting efficient use of medications among patients for quality health outcomes. Doctor Joseph wanted a tool through which doctors and patients would simultaneously monitor their drug utilization, book for follow-up monitoring, among other host of medication monitoring activities.

Project Analysis

The number of lives lost out of medication complications and the money lost in the process by both patients, and payers underscore the importance of accurate medication usage. For the most part, this role leans more on pharmacists than it does on other medical professions.

However, efficiency necessitates collaboration between all medical professionals (who are involved in medical prescriptions) from specialists, general practitioners, pharmaceutical technologists, pharmacists, clinical officers, nurses, patients, and payers. Unfortunately, there pharmaceutical industry in Kenya has not been able to acquire such infrastructure that would facilitate the collaboration for the benefit of all players.


MTM Limited had been championing through workshops and trainings concerning medication therapy in the Kenyan medical sphere for over 4 years. It was time to add a tool to the equation in pursuit of their ultimate goal.

Being a new pharmaceutical service, the industry lacks concise tools to emulate or rely on for the provision. This necessitated a comprehensive research, iteration, and visualization of how the software would be actualized to fit an African market. That we did through business analysis, competitive analysis, user research, and UI/UX research. 

User roles

The product was a SaaS incorporating a number of user roles.

Super administrator

This would control all the users of the product including monitoring performance and ensuring standardization and quality control for all activities. This means the super administrator would have such abilities as facilitating payments, managing medication analytics, and suspending users.

Medication Providers

These are the pharmacists and pharmaceutical technologists through whom prescriptions and provide medications to patients are made. These would get a complete suite of customer and patient management tools for monitoring how their patients use their medications. They would also make referrals to other providers or medical professionals in the event of complications beyond someone’s expertise.

Medical practitioners

The medical practitioners include doctors, specialists, clinical officers, and nurses who interact with patient with adverse medication interactions. These professionals would have the essential tools for referring patients to competent pharmacists for precise prescriptions and tools for managing their referrals.


These are the insurance providers who pay for medications. This would monitor patients under their policies to streamline their plans and determine accurate premiums.


A patient would be able to monitor his/her medication uses over time. They would manage their appointments with providers alongside getting tips about medication usage and general health.


Performed the business analysis

We performed the business analysis to examine the feasibility of the project. In the analysis, we explored different monetization avenues to validate the project. We also did a cost analysis to estimate the amount of time and resources it would take to have the project fully functional.

Performed the product and user research

The project was poised to involve different users who have different inclinations towards technology. We conducted a user research to examine the issues that matter the most to the different user groups. The software needed to be not only intuitive but also fully-fledged in its intended activities.

Designed the UX

We used the outcomes of the product and user research to define how the users would interact with the product and how it would affect their experience. We laid out the information architecture informed by the research to envision how core screens and activities would flow. Some activities such as patient therapy turned out to require a lot of information from the user, which necessitated long forms. However, from our experience, long forms are not healthy for an ideal user experience. We divided long forms into animated flows that would make the work easy for the users of the software. 

Designed the UI

The UI design stage was about envisioning how the different screens of the software would appear. First, we selected the most important screens including the therapy screens, payment forms, appointment, providers’ details, patients’ details, login, billing information, patient tips, among others. We defined the essential dimensions that would guide developers in actualizing the software.

Defined the server architecture

Our goal was to make sure the product as easy to use despite its complexity. Server efficiency is part of the factors that affect user experience. The client noted that most good internet is not evenly distributed for healthcare centers in Kenya, the factor of which would affect how the product would be deployed upon completion. This had its complications.

Using the software entirely online would inconvenience part of the target market because of poor internet connection. Using the software on local hosting would beat the purpose of the software being a SaaS and the super administrator would not have an avenue for monitoring and evaluation medication usage.

We recommended the software be deployed on a hybrid server that would provide for both local and online hosting through the sync technology. This would help work in poor internet connections or entirely offline. Necessary measures would then be put in place to help the administrator in monitoring and payment facilitation.

Core features

Appointment management

This is for providers and patients to manage appointments for medication check-ups.

Billing Management

This is for facilitating the payments made though the platform

Therapy management

This feature would enable providers to make and edit medical and medication records for patients while patients would monitor from their end.

Disease state management

This feature would help the providers and medical professionals to manage diseases, choosing from a WHO-approved list of diseases.

Patient tips

This feature was aimed at creating tips for patients depending on their state of medication use.

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